The reason for our dissatisfaction with ourselves

Wail Elharrak
3 min readDec 19, 2020

We are satisfied with some opinions. We doubt ourselves, we feel incompetent, we hate our looks cruelly, we feel uncertainty that we deserve or love.

The result is anxiety, procrastination, fear, and the inability to change our habits. I met many people who did not have the ability to commit to exercises or dietary changes, because they did not believe in themselves, and in the midst of their failure to bring about positive changes there is a deep feeling of unworthiness and lack of Eligibility. Every time we fail, we are cruel to ourselves, and we see that #failure is yet another sign that we are not helping, every time things are less than perfect, we blame ourselves (or blame others if we don’t want to be blamed).

What if instead of harshness or blame ourselves, we accept what is happening and take the necessary measures, what if we view it as an opportunity to see our humanity, to love ourselves, to see that we are innately good.

Self-dissatisfaction not only harms us and our habits, it harms our productivity and our ability to focus on anything else of meaning.

Our relationships also get hurt, through dissatisfaction with ourselves, when we do not believe in ourselves, we disrupt our relationships, relationships that can lead to jealousy, anger, fear of losing someone, and treating the other person with mistrust, this is not a good prescription for a good relationship, and if the relationship becomes fragile usually We tend to blame the other person, or see them as further evidence of our failure.

These are just a few examples of how dissatisfaction with ourselves affects our lives, from our professional and financial lives to our family and more.

The solution: to love ourselves

What if we loved ourselves instead of doubting it and constantly feeling vulnerable?

What if we believed in ourselves, believed in our worth, that we would be fine, even if things did not work out as planned, that we are likable and kind, that we are wonderful people.

This would change anything: we would be more confident in our relationships, we would procrastinate less because we were certain that we would deal with the unease and suspicion that plague us, we would be healthier because we know that healthy eating and physical activity is another form of self-love. To find a way We love others, present things that are meaningful to the world, that we enjoy the good every moment, that we are happy even in times when happiness is absent, that we are able to find contentment in the midst of difficulties.

Of course it is easier to talk about that than to implement it, for we have spent many years dissatisfying with ourselves and hating it, being cruel to it and it seems that our self-love is impossible, it is not impossible that you can do it, it starts with intending to love yourself, to see that you are good and worthy of love -To wish to gain happiness and relief from pain and stress.

